The culture of bamboo
-Various kinds of bamboo chopsticks-

Each chopsticks were mainly named by currency in Tokugawa era. With its prevailing, chopsticks' name were united.
Type Size
Bamboo Chopsticks 21100 pieces X 30 bags
24100 pieces X 30 bags
Good use for oily cooking.
Bamboo Tensoge 21100 pieces X 30 bags
24100 pieces X 30 bags
Cut off the top. Luxurious. Designed in Taisyou 5 era.
Bamboo Genroku 21100 pieces X 30 bags
Easy to divide. Very popular. Designed in Meiji 30th.
Bamboo Rikyu 21100 pieces X 30 bags
24100 pieces X 30 bags
Flat and thin. Gorgeous. Rikyuu designed in Azuchimomoyama era.

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